Dating someone who is emotionally unavailable can be a challenging and often unrewarding experience. Emotional unavailability can stem from various reasons: past traumas, fear of commitment, ongoing other relationships, recent break-ups, or an inherent part of one’s personality.

If you’re considering dating an emotionally unavailable man, here’s a decision aid to help you think through your choice:

Signs of an Emotionally Unavailable Man:

  1. Avoids Deep Conversations: He changes the subject when things get serious or emotionally deep.
  2. Fear of Commitment: He’s reluctant to make long-term plans or discuss the future of your relationship.
  3. Holds Back Emotions: He rarely expresses how he truly feels.
  4. Reluctance to Introduce You: He keeps you separate from his friends, family, or daily life.
  5. Past Relationships: He talks about his past relationships with detachment or avoids discussing them altogether.
  6. Always the Victim: He portrays himself as a victim in past relationships and doesn’t take responsibility for his actions.
  7. Physical Over Emotional: He might be more interested in the physical aspect of the relationship and shy away from emotional bonding.

Decision Aid:

  1. Self-Reflection: Before anything else, consider your needs. Do you seek a deeply emotional and connected relationship? Can you be satisfied in a relationship where emotional intimacy might be limited?
  2. Communication: Have an open conversation with him. Discuss your observations and express your feelings. Sometimes, a person might not be aware of their behavior, or there might be underlying reasons you’re not aware of.
  3. Evaluate Past Relationships: Understand your patterns. Have you found yourself drawn to emotionally unavailable individuals before? What was the outcome, and did it serve your best interests?
  4. Seek Counseling: If he’s open to it, couples counseling or individual therapy can be beneficial, especially if his emotional unavailability stems from past traumas or fears.
  5. Set Boundaries: If you choose to continue the relationship, set clear boundaries and expectations. It’s essential to protect your emotional well-being.
  6. Consider the Long-Term: Emotionally unavailable individuals can change, but it’s a personal journey, and there’s no guarantee. Think about your future. Do you see a fulfilling, emotionally connected relationship, or do you foresee continuous challenges?
  7. Self-Care: Ensure that you’re taking care of your emotional and mental well-being. Being with someone emotionally unavailable can sometimes lead to feelings of rejection or self-doubt.
  8. Exit Strategy: If you find that the relationship is draining or damaging to your well-being, have an exit strategy. Know when to walk away and seek a relationship that fulfills your emotional needs.


Choosing to date an emotionally unavailable man is a personal decision. It’s essential to approach the situation with awareness, understanding your needs and boundaries, and prioritizing your well-being. Remember that while everyone deserves love and understanding, you also deserve a relationship that brings you happiness, security, and emotional fulfillment
