What Do Women Find Sexy? 3 Science-Backed Traits That Women Find Irresistible

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Do you wonder What Do Women Find Sexy? Here are some Science-backed traits that women find irresistible. These include body odour, Back broadness, and a good sense of humour. Are these traits a part of your personality? Let’s find out! Here are three science-backed traits that women find sexy:

Science-backed traits that women find irresistible

Many studies focusing on the attractiveness of men have flaws, and are hardly representative of the general population. Most studies use self-reported feelings from a lab or Western college students, and may not be representative of the wider population. There is no clear evidence to suggest that good looks make a man more attractive than other traits, but there are a few characteristics that stand out as desirable for most women.

Body odour

Apparently, body odour makes women feel sultry and attractive. Studies have shown that men prefer the scent of women during the most fertile phase of a woman’s cycle. Interestingly, women do not experience this attraction when their body odour is of a different sex. This may be due to differences in the level of their hormones. But we will never know for sure.

To test the hypothesis, researchers collected the odours of 14 different women and measured their attractiveness. They used T-shirts that were unworn, and they were cleaned with nonperfumed soap powder and then placed in odorless plastic freezing bags. The women were informed about the experimental procedure and given behavioral restrictions to avoid disturbing the women’s scents. The results were then compared and analysed to see which women were the most attractive.

Find Sexy

The men who were involved in this study smelled the women’s body odour and rated the fragrances. The men who smelled the pads agreed that the smell of women’s bodies made them feel sexy. This finding supports previous findings that men find women sexier during the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle than during the menstrual cycle. The researchers believe that men find body odour attractive in women, as the smell of reproductive hormones is attractive to both men and women.

Sense of humour

Sense of humour is one of the most appealing characteristics in a man, according to a study in Psychol Rep published in August 2010. A man’s witty sense of humour is what women find incredibly sexy. Men with this quality are more likeable and edgy than their non-humorous counterparts. Sense of humour can enhance the bond between a man and a woman, while ensuring that the relationship is more satisfying.

Men with a good sense of humour tend to make women laugh. Whether it is a comic turn of phrase or a good imitation, a man’s sense of humour is a very attractive trait that makes women want to be with him. Furthermore, women love men who can tell a good story and make them laugh. Sense of humour is what women find sexy.

A man’s sense of humour is one of the most attractive qualities that women look for in a partner. Having a great sense of humour will attract women, regardless of sexual orientation or the relationship type. Women find funny men sexy because they can make them laugh at their expense. A man’s sense of humour is an important factor in attracting women, as it enhances the quality of the relationship.

Back broadness

A recent study suggests that back broadness accounts for 79 percent of the variability in a woman’s attraction to a man. This trait trumps other factors such as a man’s height and endowment. A wide V-shaped back is particularly sexy to women, according to the researchers. A well-trained body can help you meet a woman half way. Here are some tips to increase your back’s appeal.

Sense of patriotism

Patriotism can be perceived as a virtue. It is sometimes explicitly defined as such. Hegel, for instance, praised patriotism as a political disposition grounded in truth. But the idea of patriotism is often interpreted as a way of life, an attachment to a place, or a group of people. The sense of patriotism that most people feel is not derived from the truth, but from opinion.

Find Sexy

Despite its potential to attract women, patriotism is a reductive concept, because it implies the opposite of what it is actually made of. The idea behind patriotic attachment is that people identify with a particular form of life, and the laws and ethical rules that constitute its objects of affection are deeply rooted in the collective (un)consciousness of the historical community. Unlike other forms of nationalism, pledging allegiance to a flag is not a neutral, objective symbol, but rather the embodiment of an elaborate web of cultural, religious, and geographical assumptions.

However, there is a certain level of ambiguity between patriotism and nationalism. Some commentators have sought to distinguish the two terms, using the words ‘nation’ and’state’ interchangeably. But while they seek to preserve the language of patriotism, they unwittingly draw from the language of nationalism. On the other hand, Kedourie says that a sense of patriotism is not the same as nationalism.


The theory behind why women find smart men attractive is not entirely clear. The theory is based on the idea that intelligence is a desirable genetic trait that would help the species survive in the long term. For instance, a gray treefrog is difficult to spot at night, so naturally, more of them will be produced. However, this same theory does not explain why intelligence is the most important factor in attracting women.

When a man is attracted to a woman with high intelligence, it means that she knows her stuff. She has standards and is aware of the world. She knows how to communicate with him and conveys interest, confidence, and engagement. She expects him to pick up on those signals and be able to understand her. Intelligence and chemistry are key factors. The more compatible a man and woman are, the easier it is for them to fall in love.

The scientists also found that men find intelligent women more attractive, which is contrary to the theory of heterosexual men. It seems that women choose smart men based on their intelligence, which is a better strategy than sex for attracting smart men. However, the effect size of intelligence was relatively small, and the sample was small (Midwesterner men born in the mid-20th century).
