4 Steps for Approaching More Women Nowadays

If you’re someone who is frustrated with the fact that you cannot approach women for fear of rejection, then this article is for you. I wanted to write this article after seeing a lot of men struggling with dating issues, as well as reading a lot of dating books and personal posts on Facebook from men that seem to have great success with women. These men’s problems seemed to be in the approach, rather than in their actual personality or social skills. So, for the purpose of this article, I would like to reveal the steps for approaching more women nowadays. You might find that following these steps will have you far more prepared to approach women successfully.

Before you begin approaching women on a daily basis, let’s first discuss how you should first make a firm decision in your mind that you want to become good with women. There are numerous dating tips online that will tell you that you need to become very good with women to approach women nowadays, however, you must determine what will work best for you personally. You should ask yourself whether you wish to become a romantic, social person, or whether you wish to find a woman with whom you can have a lasting romantic relationship with.

Once you’ve decided on which track you wish to take, then the next set of steps I am about to share with you are what you need to do in order to approach and pick up women.

Step 1: Determine the best places to meet women with whom you wish to date. narrowing down to your city, certain increments of your locale seems to be best when it comes to meeting women. If you’re in a large city, you may want to consider the night clubs as the best places to successfully approach and pick up women. Often these are well populated with women that you may want to get to know. Also, these are usually “hot” spots, so you may find that your prospective date also is.

Step 2: Try to become a friend with the women you meet at your new nightclub. Sometimes being friends with a woman is a great way to her understand you as a person and that you have respect for the woman as well. Keep in mind that you can’t kiss a girl until you have enough courage to go for a kiss. That being said, knowing many many women and having a lot of female friends can be accompanies to become more of a friendly impression to women you want to approach.

Step 3: Set up a strongFake Maybe. Some women will pretend to not be interested in men that talk to them. This is an easy way to get rid of any men that may be attempting to go for your vulnerable heart. Knowing that you ruin their chance to go out with you, they will immediately get rid of you.

Step 4: Set up a goodSmile and Fun countenance. The men that can keep smiling and humorous while not giving off many sexual signals will have an easier time winning the ladies. Also, these are the guys that will barely notice that the woman you are talking to has a boyfriend, and they will still proceed to the second step of breaking the ice and asking about her no less than a bold move.

In conclusion, whatever dating style you choose, you should always remember to be aware of the consequences of your actions at all times. And above all else, Life is about having Fun!
